“Smashing” photos of RocoMamas | Blue Tree Studios Photography

Check out these amazing pictures we took for the opening of RocoMamas burger shop in Chapel St!  To get your *smashed* burger make sure you check them out!

interior photography, brand photography, retail photography, restaurant photography

About RocoMamas

RocoMamas is one of the world’s fastest-growing burger brands. And RocoMamas selected Melbourne for its first flagship Australian restaurant which opened its doors to the public in June this year on Chapel St in Windsor, Victoria.

What makes the RocoMamas® brand unique is how they prepare their burgers. Patties are rolled up into a ball and pushed flat onto the grill to maximise the flavours and seal in the juices. You haven’t had a real burger until you’ve tried a “smashed burger.”

When you first walk though the Chapel St burgers store, you’ll automatically notice the ‘Rock N’ Roll’ vibe that’s true to our brands positioning of being alternative, edgy and a little bit “Not Normal”.

Designed by BlackMilk Architects (Ripponlea Food & Wine, Ms Collins and Sash Japanese), Blue Tree Studios took photos of RocoMamas® Chapel St grand opening, with the funky décor throughout and an open-style kitchen where customers can sit back and soak up the laid-back vibes and see (and smell) their meals being prepared right in front of them.


Smash 4

Smash 3