Melbourne Video Production

Corporate Update Videos

Surprisingly affordable, extremely effective.

Corporate video production that inspires audiences and strengthens your brand. Looking for a professional Melbourne-based team to create powerful corporate videos that communicate your brand story and success with regular updates? Create compelling corporate videos for a range of global clients. We are passionate about telling your story in the most engaging and effective way possible, and helping you to communicate your successes. Corporate video that will reach and inspire your target audience. Corporate video that will help your business grow.

We pride ourselves in using the very best equipment to produce the highest quality videos for our clients and their businesses.

Video Case Studies

Financial and Investment Updates

Legg Mason produces regular investment updates on a range of investment funds that they manage across multiple brands. These are filmed on site, edited and provided back to the client with a short turnaround and a polished, professional product for their audience of financial planners.

Financial Product Videos

Zenith provide financial research and create these videos on behaslf of their fund manager partners. These are longer form, scripted videos that communicate a large amount of information effectively.

Research Update Videos

The Australian Institute of Family Studies is a research oprganisation who commissioned us to create updates on their major research projects so they could better communicate with their stakjeholders.

Videos of Any Length

From a thirty second high impact promotion to a series of five minute instructional videos, we can create anything you need. Have tricky technical specifications? Just speak to us, we can help!

Experienced Team

Our creative video team will help you through all the steps - scripting, pre-production, voiceovers, music selection and editing, we'll make the process simple and efficient.

Production Team

The Blue Tree Studios team of producers, stylists, hair/makeup artists and models means we can assist you in bringing together any concept, either in studio or on location.

Quality Equipment

Utilising the most up-to-date equipment, Blue Tree Studios ensures the highest quality output for your campaign or project, with a fast turnaround and exceptional attention to detail.

Studio or On Location

Our studio space is flexible and client friendly, with heating and air-conditioning, beautiful natural light, roller door access, all day free parking, full privacy and great coffee.

Get Flexible Licencing

Blue Tree Studios wants you to use your video as much as possible and provide you with a flexible agreement, allowing you to use them in nearly any way you like for as long as you like.

Our Video Production Clients

Let's Explore a Project