Melbourne Video Production Services

Surprisingly affordable, extremely effective.

Video engages audiences more powerfully than any other form of visual communication. Video is fast becoming the dominant form of online content - higher Google rankings, more visibility on social feeds, better engagement and stronger brand messaging are just a few of the reasons why. Our highly experienced and dedicated team of videographers in Melbourne, Victoria will provide you with on-message videos that tell your brand's story with high impact at surprisingly affordable rates.

Our team will help you with all the elements you need to put together a successful video, with exceptional turnaround times. We take you through the scripting, coaching of talent, technical advice, graphics development and final edit with simple, down to earth advice and support. From product demonstrations to instructional videos with voiceovers, event coverage or testimonials, the list of video opportunities is endless.

Whether you are looking to make a 30 second promotional video or a series of high quality instructional videos, talk to the experts at Blue Tree Studios today.

We pride ourselves in using the very best equipment to produce the highest quality videos for our clients and their businesses.

Video Case Studies

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Business Testimonial Videos

Engage customers to take the final step with a customer success story.

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Corporate Updates

Communicate your brand story with Corporate Video that inspires your audience and builds your brand.

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Promotional Videos

Give your customers a high energy, engaging introduction to your brand or product.

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Story Telling

Stories teach, illuminate and inspire. We use them to create the most powerful tools to engage your audience.

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Informational & Educational

Educate and inspire a cultural change in your organization, or inspire your customers to take action.

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Event Highlight Videos

Event videography is the ultimate way to extend the value and life of your event.

Videos of Any Size

From a 30 second high impact promotion to a series of 10 x 5 minute instructional videos, we're only limited by you. Have tricky technical specifications? Just speak to us, we can help!

Experienced Team

Our creative video team will help you through all the steps - scripting, pre-production, voiceovers, music selection and editing, we'll make the process simple and efficient.

Production Team

The Blue Tree Studios team of producers, stylists, hair/makeup artists and models means we can assist you in bringing together any concept, either in studio or on location.

Quality Equipment

Utilising the most up-to-date equipment, Blue Tree Studios ensures the highest quality output for your campaign or project, with a fast turnaround and exceptional attention to detail.

Dedicated Studio Space

Our studio space is flexible and client friendly, with heating and air-conditioning, beautiful natural light, roller door access, all day free parking, full privacy and of course great coffee.

Get Flexible Licencing

Blue Tree Studios wants you to use your video as much as possible and provide you with a flexible agreement, allowing you to use them in nearly any way you like for as long as you like.

Our Video Production Clients

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